Thursday, October 6, 2011

Abortion vs Adoption - The Latest Debate by the Unwashed

It is interesting that for some bizarre reason the death of Steve Jobs has suddenly become about how he could have been aborted.  In fact, it is the most prevalent of all things I have noted out there in blogoland.  And it is pathetic.  Yep, definitely pathetic.

Amanda, over on The Declassified Adoptee, stated it best when she put up a chart that shows, straight out, whose business it is in the first place.  NO ONE'S!  Yes, all of those wannabes and the great unwashed have all decided that Steve must have been saved from the abortionists of the late 50s... after all, he was very young when he died, so he is not that much older than I am!

The common attitude is that adoptees are somehow rescued from death by adoption. While this might have been true, if you believe in things that are ridiculous, it is very unlikely.  No woman, seriously, that wants an abortion that bad has ever been stopped.  So, it is even more surreal when the assumption is that somehow a woman that really doesn't want the baby carries it to term rather than ending the pregnancy.

Yes, it is reasonable to assume, considering the time frame and the lack of medical care that would allow for a safe (for the mother) abortion, that a woman might carry to term even when she didn't want the baby.  Realistically, considering the socio-religious tenor of society at that time, most babies brought into this world were wanted in some way.

Also, it is reasonable to think that because of the times, it is likely that a baby could have been "rescued" from abortion.... but highly unlikely. 

With all that said, one thing that seems to be overlooked is the fact that even when society was calling anyone that would consider, participate in or even look to getting an abortion, said abortions occurred every single day.  The majority were on rich little girls (teens) that mommy and daddy arranged to get proper medical doctors to perform the abortion.

So what does that say about who was pushed into the corners with bearing a babe that they would never be allowed to raise?  That would be the middle class and the poor.  Medical care for an illegal procedure comes at a very steep price.  And it was the same poor or middle class girls that were usually the ones that wanted to keep the babies that were born to them.

Abortion has never been synonymous with adoption.... ever.  The facts that have been gleaned since the era of mass baby thefts ended with Roe v. Wade have proven that if given the choice, most pregnant girls and women would raise their own child - single or not.  Abortion numbers dropped drastically when abortions became legal for anyone that did not want a child.

The industry would have you believe that a child that was adopted was going to be aborted... it justifies outright greed.  They are, after all, saving a child. Right?  Wrong.  What has been done by the industry is to validate their money grubbing ways with "moral arguments" such as "if the mother hadn't given up the baby, she would have gotten an abortion" so that the general public - the great unwashed - would gently and without a whimper, accept the premise that all babies need a mommy and daddy and adoption is the only way to provide that if the young mother is not married.

Reality - abortion is not a response, in general, to an unexpected pregnancy.  In fact, it is rare that an abortion occurs.... very rare.... when there is a surprise pregnancy.  Adoption, however, is common as dirt and much more devastating to both mother and child throughout their entire lives than being in a poverty stricken state.

To assume that adoption is the opposite of abortion is to assume that all the women that have a pregnancy that was unexpected are willing to simply flush away the baby creates the idea that only an "immoral" "immature" or "stupid" woman would get pregnant..... So what does that make their babies?

Come on.... Let's all get a grip and wake up!  

And honestly, Steve Jobs and his mother are none of our business.  They are/were human beings with their own lives and choices.  Maybe if we stopped gossiping and speculating on them, we could work out our own crap.

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