Sunday, October 2, 2011

As We Step Back Into the Dark Ages......

Recently there has been a great deal said about how women are being treated as far as their rights and access to reproductive and feminine medical care.  Some conversation and news stories talk about how programs like Planned Parenthood and others have lost funding due to the squabble over abortion.  I have heard of women in Georgia and a couple of other states being prosecuted for things such as spontaneous miscarriage that may or may not have been caused by the use of alcohol or other substances.  Also, there seems to be a huge debate over whether or not a woman should be punished for simply not carrying a baby to term..... for whatever reason.

One thing that surprised me is the ignorance that is going out with this.  Logically, you would think that someone would get a clue as to the reality of living.  First, lets talk about Planned Parenthood.....

A lot of people think that Planned Parenthood is this huge demon that eats up fetus's by creating a drive to abort all babies that were a "surprise" or an "oops."  How ludicrous is that?  I mean, seriously?  First, Planned Parenthood was founded on the principle of helping women (young and old) obtain good woman's health care.  It was designed to help girls and woman to prevent pregnancies, through birth control and other things - not abortion.  The abortion part of that was something that was helping prevent women from the old alley and coat hanger abortionists that killed thousands of women and girls over a period of about 30 years.

Which begs the question, who actually profits if there is no way for women to get good care that is inexpensive and that is focused on them?  I can say this, religious zealots often tend to be the ones that can afford private physicians and who also have great incomes and support systems.... so it is easy to say "no" to someone else, if you don't have to worry about these things for yourself.

Adoption, of course, is one of the industries that profit.  If there are more babies, then hey, big money.

Medicine, yes, the doctors that we all know and love, profit.... particularly those in pediatrics, gynecology, and obstetrics.  Their livelihood comes from women, pregnancy and children.

The legal field.  Adoption attorneys make a tidy profit to do something that most adopter wannabe's don't even realize is happening - all those lovely papers that they sign and the attorney files, guess what, those are FORMS that are pulled up by an aid or secretary, filled out with the info provided, and back on the attorney's desk to give to the adopter wannabe's - in less than 20 min.  The filing fees are usually around $100 to $300 dollars.  So the actual costs, well, they aren't even a drop in the $30,000 bucket of adoption.  So, if there are more babies, well.... you get the picture.

Now as for the second part, how can anyone not see that this is a huge step back into being chattel?  I mean, seriously?  It always surprises me when the assumptions are all about how women need to be guided, somehow, to make good decisions - by men.  Okay, now that is nuts!  have you ever watched the things men do?  Really watched?

And prosecuting a woman for "maybe" hurting a baby in her womb - and that is real, no one is sure what causes what.  More babies are damaged as fetus's by medications and other substances that are thought to be safe, than any child born from a woman that smoked pot, cigarettes (I smoked - she was a healthy, huge baby and I was the one that got sick) , a glass of wine (which is very common in Europe and has been for thousands of years).  Reality check people, this is not about healthy babies!  It is about maintaining control of one half of the population!

Note:  Sperm is directly affected by substance abuse that occurs within hours of sex - this includes alcohol, etc. - making anything a man does during the cycle in which the sperm is created and that helps create a child affects the fetus.  Women are not the only guilty parties in these things.

We are headed back into being some man's property.  Unable to rent an apartment, buy a car, buy a house, get medical care, decide what is going to be our lives.... without a man to say it is okay.

And all you ladies out there that are saying that you are equal to your hubby, how many of you are doing the "stay at home" thing because of babies?  Or how many have had to ask your husband for household money, instead of just doing the stuff yourself?

I personally pray that this insanity ends......

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